Scott "Jay" Brinson passed away in Bloomington Hospital on Sunday, September 17, 2017.  

He enjoyed wood-working, motorcycles, antiques, wood working, music, and his close friends and family.

Jay has not been able to work for some time and has left his wife without life insurance and many medical expenses.  

We are asking his family, friends, and community to help his wife Jamey in any way they can by sharing, liking, or donating toward his final expenses.  The goal has been set at $1,995.00.

His wife Jamey would like everyone to know that all donations will be paid directly to Welch & Cornett Funeral Home to help offset all final expenses.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

  • 09/26/2017

    Anonymous has made a donation of $ 25

    So very sorry to hear of Jay's passing. Prayers for his family.
  • 09/20/2017

    Jake and Mandy Thatcher has made a donation of $ 40

    So very sorry to hear of his passing.
  • 09/20/2017

    Janey Hannah has made a donation of $ 50

    R I P I am so sorry for you. Much to young to leave us.

Scott "Jay" Brinson
47 years old

$115 of $1,995

Funeral Home information: Welch and Cornett
140 E. Vincennes St.
Linton, IN, 47441
 +1 (812) 847-2986


Anonymous has made a donation of $ 25
Jake and Mandy Thatcher has made a donation of $ 40
Janey Hannah has made a donation of $ 50